Archive for January 12, 2010

Deal of the Week: TC SleepMedic – Natural Sleep Aid

TerraCeutics SleepMedic – Natural Sleep Aid

  • Promotes Relaxation and Sleep
  • Enhances REM Sleep
  • Improves the Quality & duration of Sleep
  • SleepMedic is an all-natural advanced sleep formulation designed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

    SleepMedic is a synergistic blend of natural herbs, vitamins and minerals that promote deep, healthy sleep.

    SleepMedic, unlike a lot of prescription drugs, does not leave you hung over and feeling drugged the next day.

    Retail: $24.95
    SALE PRICE: $11.96
    w/ Coupon Code:



    5-HTP is a naturally occurring substance derived from the seed pods of Griffonia Simplicifolia, a West African medicinal plant. It provides the quickest, most effective, and most consistent overall results in treating insomnia. 5-HTP is also an effective alternative for dealing with sleep problems in a safe and natural way compared to sleep medicines. It improves the quality of sleep and makes sleep more restful and rejuvenating, instead of waking feeling tired and worn out.


    Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body. Melatonin is considered nature’s miracle sleep aid. Melatonin provides wonderful sleep without harmful side effects or addiction from synthetic drugs. As we age, the ability to synthesize melatonin decreases, allowing sleep patterns to change. Melatonin also relieves anxiety, improves mood, and increases daytime energy. Vitamin B6 is added to SleepMedic in order to produce serotonin, which is required for the sleep-triggering hormone called melatonin.

    Valerian Root:

    Valerian root has been used for thousands of years as a gentle, non-narcotic sedative. Valerian root works directly on the nervous system yielding a relaxing feeling without the morning grogginess of many prescription medications.


    Doses of approximately 250 milligrams helps to induce sleep. Magnesium deficiency is responsible for nervousness that prevents sleep. A high magnesium diet has been found to be associated with high-quality sleep time and few nighttime wakings. Magnesium supplementation has been reported to reduce sleep latency and result in uninterrupted sleep.


    Inositol has a mild anti-anxiety effect and is useful in promoting deep sleep. It is good for sleep, as well as possibly helping to utilize fat and cholesterol during sleep. Inositol also enhances REM sleep.

    Passion Flower, Hops, & Lemon Balm
    These herbs have traditionally been used to help promote relaxation and sleep.

    Passion flower has a mild sedative effect that encourages sleep. This property has been well substantiated in numerous studies on animals and humans.

    Hops has been used for centuries for it’s sedative qualities to help promote positive support for sleep difficulty, occasional anxiety, restlessness, nervousness and tension.

    Lemon Balm, in studies, has been found to reduce anxiety and promote sleep when combined with other calming herbs (such as valerian, hops or chamomile.)

    Click here to BUY TC SleepMedic Natural Sleep Aid NOW!

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